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Understanding Cannon Dust Suppression System And Its Usage

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Removing dust from the air has had different procedures over the years. These methods are basically focused on a dust collection and suppression system. Dust collectors form a vacuum to detain the dust and remove it from the immediate air. A dust suppression system does not only attempt to get rid of the dust from the physical area. Even, it places it back to its source. Also, a dust suppression system is more affordable.

Fog Cannon Dust Suppression System is used closely in any material handling facility. it is useful in the areas where the greatest quantity of dust is introduced into the air. The nozzles in the system create a fog of water over the area where the coal dust is forming. When the small coal dust elements come in contact with the water, the dust absorbs the water. When this happens the dust particles weight an increase, which causes them to no longer be airborne and land back into the pile of coal from where it came from. Here are a few simple concerns that should cross your mind before you decide on how to approach the decision-making process for a Dust Suppression System:

  • Extraction or suppression
  • Chemical or water only
  • Low or High fog or spray pressure

  • Also understanding the areas on and around your concrete plant that are problem areas for dust creation as well as knowing what the environmental and zoning requirements associated with dust are the most important factors in selecting dust collectors and suppression tools. One more important factor is developing a strategy for controlling the dust. Some companies use a different dust collector for every area they need to control. Central dust collectors are also available that use ducting systems to collect dust from multiple areas and vent it to a single centralized dust system.

    There isn’t essentially a right or wrong system; it is just selecting the proper system for your application. Other important factors when thinking about Dust Suppression System are the materials that are being collected and the volume the material will be introduced (in the case of a silo, the number of fill pipes). Different materials have different densities and can require different sizing to ensure the dust collectors work effectively.

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